Welcome Beautiful Hearts!
The Creative Heart is a lantern or a lighthouse showing you the way! The lantern and the lighthouse are the vision for the Creative Heart. The lighthouse is the tower or beacon of light that you can connect to here or visualize the lighthouse when you are aching for a connection. Hold the vision of the lighthouse or see yourself carrying a lantern, it is the miracle you may need to keep you walking and sharing your gifts. Women 50 and beyond the light will always be shining bright on our website and the book. Women 50 and beyond we are here to support you with a heart full of love and a glowing smile.
The changing times we are in call for a positive alliance to be present in our lives. For all women we bring light and love to heal and create for a new vision of harmony. Women 50 and beyond are weaving their gifts and talents together creating agreeable newness and projects. Your support and efforts are valuable and necessary. Conscious hearts and souls bring great change to all women and the heart of humanity.
We step together as one! Hold the lantern for yourself. Love your soul enough to walk with the lighthouse within! Open your eyes and see the world differently with all the truths that have been hidden from everyone!
READ -THE CREATIVE HEART- Bringing Healing and Creativity to Women 50 and Beyond. Release old patterns, programs and mental looping. Set strong boundaries. Transform drama and trauma and stand on your path and dance!
Shout out to all the women changing the world.