Janet Amato
Author, Spiritual Leader and Mentor.

Published by BunburyBooks

Welcome to The Creative Heart Site for Healing and Creativity.
WOMEN-Are you struggling with moving forward with clear guidance?
Are you ready to create great change?
- Are you struggling with change and creativity?
- Do you feel your soul pushing you in a new direction?
- The Creative Heart is where you will find supportive tools to revive your passion and activate your gifts and talents!
Dear Beautiful Hearts,
The Creative Heart is a valuable space for all women, especially women 50 and beyond. At this time, I hope you have read my book The Creative Heart– Bringing Healing and Creativity for Women 50 and Beyond.
The Creative Heart is thrilled to bring like-minded women from all over the world together. Here you will find a safe and sacred container of harmony, acceptance and compassion. It is a place to share Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, Healing and more- in support of Ourselves, the Collective and the New Earth.
Together we go deeper and walk the walk and talk the talk, side by side, with kindness, compassion and heart connection. We are here walking side by side to create a vision for what we wish and desire our life to look like in New Earth. Most importantly, feel into each new day! Create your high vibration of love and share it generously in service with other women. Create quality time for yourself each day and honor your spiritual gifts and talents! Women we are powerful as we create and ground ourselves with the energies of Mother Earth.
We post pertinent information on this site covering many different topics, such as, Healthy Eating, Supplements, Meditations, Detoxing Tips, Intuition and How to Take Action with Grace and Ease. LET’S GET TO IT!
Available at Amazon.com.